#SoccerkidzSaturdays @ STFC (October 11th 2014)

Major Coaching Breakthrough Update:

This weekends coaching session was the second time we attempted a football match scenario. our first attempt was over month ago to this date and was unsuccessful as many of the children found themselves distracted or not having focus on the conditions set by our coaches. Needless to say we went back to the drawing board and spent the next month coaching them team work, ball control and introduced opposing coaching games in preparation for football match situation .   

This weekend aside from our coaching games we played a 10 minute football match with a number of balls positioned in the middle of the pitch, one defending player on either side and the rest attacking their opposing teams goal. The attacking players soul job was to "kick the balls in the goal" whilst the coaches continually fed the balls back to the middle. 

Coach Ben...... "As an experienced coach of 9 years working in the industry this weekends session was a major breakthrough for what we have and are trying to achieve in terms of child development through football. I am looking forward to gradually taking away conditions used in the game for effective practices, towards just having the one ball and the kids playing in a real game scenario."

Posted on October 13, 2014 .